Usare check list sia per docente che per studente e sviluppare l’autonomia nello studio – Zero oddness, please! Checklists for teaching and learning self-assessment

Usare check list sia per docente che per studente e sviluppare l’autonomia nello studio – Zero oddness, please! Checklists for teaching and learning self-assessment

  • Argomenti: Inglese
  • Progetto: Lingua, letteratura e cultura in una dimensione europea - Area lingue straniere
  • Grado scolastico: Primo biennio, Secondaria di II grado
  • Tipologia: Percorso didattico
  • Condizioni d'uso: Copyright © Indire
  • Livello linguistico: Livello A2, Livello B1
  • Lingue: Inglese
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Usare check list sia per docente che per studente e sviluppare l’autonomia nello studio – Zero oddness, please! Checklists for teaching and learning self-assessment

The following teaching path introduces a mock-module which is a means for a general concern and reflection about the self-assessing of the teacher’s actions of and about the students’ way of learning at some stages of the tasks; therefore, it does not pretend to be exhaustive in all the steps of a regular teaching unit. It focuses on the practice of the four integrated skills with a deeper attention to the oral interaction and the treatment of data from some checklists.

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