Testi orali – Spoken text and the development of productive speaking skills for B1 learners

Testi orali – Spoken text and the development of productive speaking skills for B1 learners

  • Argomenti: Inglese, Interazione orale, Produzione orale
  • Progetto: Lingua, letteratura e cultura in una dimensione europea - Area lingue straniere
  • Grado scolastico: Primo biennio, Secondaria di II grado
  • Tipologia: Percorso didattico
  • Condizioni d'uso: Copyright © Indire
  • Istituzione partner: British Council
  • Livello linguistico: Livello B1
  • Lingue: Inglese
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Testi orali – Spoken text and the development of productive speaking skills for B1 learners

This pathway presents an analysis of assessment of spoken texts at B1 level and what teachers need to consider in order to help students prepare effectively. The key stages preparation, rehearsal and performance are considered followed by an explanation of how certain concepts can be integrated in a series of lessons in order to prepare students well and build confidence.

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